Photos of British birds most of which are still fairly common but that you are unlikely to see in your garden.
Click the thumbnail to see the larger image - all the pictures expand to 1500 x 1000 pixels. On this page: Redshank, Redstart, Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler, Ringed Plover, Rock Pipet, Rook, Ruff, Sand Martin, Sanderling, Sandwich Tern and Sedge Warbler. The video links open in a separate window.
All images are our copyright but conditional re-use is allowed. Click the license button or see the about-us page for more details.
Redshank -
Redshank video
Redstart -
Redstart video
Reed Bunting -
Reed Bunting video and
of the bird calling and
on the bird table
Reed Warbler -
Reed Warbler video
of the bird calling
Ringed plover -
Ringed Plover video also showing Sanderlings behind
Ruff -
Ruff video
of birds wading
Sand Martin -
Sand Martin video
of the birds at their burrow
Sanderling -
Sanderling video of
birds coming into Summer plumage
Sedge Warbler -
Sedge Warbler video