Photos of British birds most of which are still fairly common but that you are unlikely to see in your garden.
Click the thumbnail to see the larger image - all the pictures expand to 1500 x 1000 pixels. On this page: Coot, Cormorant, Cuckoo, Curlew, Dartford Warbler, Dunlin, Egyptian Goose, Eider Duck, Fulmar, Gadwall, Gannet and Golden Plover. The video links open in a separate window.
All images are our copyright but conditional re-use is allowed. See the about-us page for more details.
Coot - Coot video of a Coot with young
Cuckoo - Cuckoo video and Cuckoo feeding
Dartford Warbler - Dartford Warbler video
Dunlin - Dunlin video
Fulmar - Fulmar video
Gannet - Gannet video